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Caw-is d laεqab-is

Caw-is d laεqab-is


TussnaAgamaAaddis.pngBerḍeq ! Nennulfa-d γer ddunit; agama yenna-k ad ken-refdeγ, ad teččem, ad tsum deg-i, ḥerzet-iyi kan ad wen-telhu tmeddit. Ihi nečča neswa, yal yiwen yessen leqdic-is, yal yiwen yessen azal-is.

Yiwen wass yemmeslay uεdis yenna ayγer akka, aεni annect-a kan i yuklaleγ, iggul deg bab-is ar d a t-issečč ugar naγ ar d a t-iḥaṛen. Bab uεdis ur yella ara ixdem anagar ma ikkes ayla-s i gma-s.

Winna ur yuḥtam i tiyita ansi s d-tekka, ixnunes deg lqaεa, yurez, yuγal d akli.

Agama iqqeṛḥ-it lḥal yenna-k mačči akka inemyefkka awal, ur tettεaday tagi akka. Agama d bu-tezmart, bu-εadis iwala-t, ara yexdem, ad iruḥ ar tussna iḥeṛcen, igezzin tilufa ugama a tt-ikkelex ad as-yini : “agama yecqarw-ikkem-d tin n tezmart ur d as-tt-tekisseḍ ». Tussna terfa tsuffeγ-d tacciwin.

Tedukkel d bu-εadis, ruḥen ad maggren agama s annar, agama yecumm-itt, ur dukkulen sin ala i temcumin. Tiyita tamezwarut yedda-d isenciṛ deg udem ugama, uzzlen-d idamen-is, bu-εadis yeddari defir uzagur n tussna, a la s-yessemsad taccarin-is, aεdis yecṛeh yeqar i bab-is ula d wayyi ad t-nerr d akli, ad yexdem fell-aγ, ad nεeddi nnig tawant. Bu-εadis yeṭṭalay deg ugama ttazzalen idamen-is, yennulfa-d iγaḍ-it, iεedda yeεreḍ ad iṭṭef tussna ur d as-t-rennu wara, d acu dayen asif m’ ad d-yeḥmel yeḥmle-d. Tussna tuγal amzun d tamexlult, allen d tizegwaγin, imi yettarwe-d tikuffta, tezzi-d ar bu-εadis s tiyita terra-t d idim meṛra.

Akken i yeγlin γer lqaεa deg sin, agama yemmut akal irefd-it, bu-εadis yexnunes, akal yessusf-it.

Tussna temxel tuγal tettett deg uksum-is.

Ataya yejba-d yilem ibat deg wayen yezzeṛ yewhem, yekks-ed talaba-s yerra-tt γef tfekka ugama, yezri syina, talast teγli-d i lebda.   

Ğamal Saadi


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