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Muḥend At Iγil


Tazelmaṭ texser, teyffust ur terbiḥ ara.

D-taceqquft n umezgun deg illan kkuz(4) isekkiren(actes). Tamuggit n uzulal(absurde).Udmawen igejdane : amazwar ar tefranin, anessemdu ines.

Taceqquft-a tettezzi γef amek ttidiren imdanen ticki wid i iseddayen tilufa tisertanin teddun deg ubrid d isken Makkyavel. (abrid amakkyavili, ma nezmer a-d-nini akka)

Anwa yextaren ?

D-taceqquft deg illan krad(3) isekkiren.
Tawsit: d-tamuggit tamsedsayt
Udmawen: sin imehbas
Ideg: Lhebs

Agzul: taceqquft tewwi-d γef urway deg ittidirent tsutiwin i umi ur ittunefkk ara usegmi ifulkin deg uγerbaz.

Allen n tayri

D-tullizin(nouvelles) n P. Bellemare akk d wiyaḍ i d issuqel Muhand At Iγil. Tamezwarut d


Tagi iwwi-d deg-s γef yiwet n temγart ilan axxam γef ijufar n yiwet n taddart. Yiwet n tikkelt issutr-as yiwen umsebrid a-t-tssens. Teqbel. Uqbel ad-igen, inna yas umγar nni: « ma illa azekka ur d kkirγ ara, ayen illan akka deg umuziḍ-a inu awi-t i iman-im.” Deg iḍ, tamγart nni teldi amuziḍ nni ad-tzer dacu illan deg-s. Tufa idrimen. Dγa tenγa amγar nni. Sya i tbeddu tsesstant(enquête).

Ababat d mmi-s.

D-tuzzilt n P. Bellemare d issuqel Mohand Ait Iγil. Ta, d yiwen iruhen ara teγremt anda isεedda mmis lεeskkeṛ, anda illa d-aserdas. Yufa-d yiwen inγan tamgarṭ imi iqar aγmis...

tis kraḍ(3) D-tuzzilt s wezwel :

“Allen n tayri”.

Isqucḍ-itt-id s γur J. Antoine. Deg ta, d yiwet n tmeṭṭut tucmitt, ur s ifkk ara ugama(nature) tihuski, deg tallit n lggirra nni umadal tis snat. Tufa yiwet n tikkelt yiwen urgaz wten-t iserdasen, tewwi-t ar uxxam tefkka yas iεeqqaren, isufar, tebedd γur-s armi ijji. Imi ijji urgaz nni, tameṭṭut nni terwel…

llant deg udlis-a kkuz(4) n tuzzilin nniden. A-d-nawi fell-asent ar zdat (ma trim ad-teγrem s tefransist γef ayen yura Mohand Ait Iγil) erret ar da:

Asabter yellan deffir wa | Asabter n zdat

Ulac win i d-yennan kra γef umagrad-a. Ilik(kem) d-amdan amenzu ara d-yinin kra fell-as.

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Just how well will this year�s Air Jordan gamma blue 11s retro do give that it�s a colorway we�ve never seen before? We can�t exactly imagine an Air Jordan XI sitting on shelves for too terribly long, but we have a feeling they won�t fly off shelves as quick as previous years� �Concord� and �Bred� releases. The sneakers will land a bit earlier than we�re used to seeing them-December 21st is the due date. Stay with us after the break for extra images on the �Gamma Blue� Jordan 11 gamma blue 11s and watch for them soon at shops like Nohble.Gamma Blue 11s}Jordan 11 Gamma Blue}Jordan 11 Gamma BlueGamma Blue 11sJordan gamma blue 11jordan 11 gamma blueJordan 11 Gamma BlueJordan 11 Gamma BlueGamma Blue 11sJordan Gamma Blue 11Gamma Blue 11sJordan 11 Gamma BlueGamma 11sGamma Blue 11sGamma Blue 11sJordan Gamma Blue 11Gamma Blue 11sJordan Retro 11 gamma blueGamma Blue 11sJordan Gamma Blue 11Gamma 11sJordan Retro 11Jordan Retro 11 gamma blueJordan Gamma Blue 11Gamma Blue 11sJordan Retro 11Gamma 11sGamma Blue 11sJordan 11 Gamma Bluegamma blue 11sgamma blue 11gamma blue 11s for saleJordan 11 ChristmasJordan 11 ChristmasGamma Blue 11sJordan Retro 11Retro 11 2013Retro 11 Gamma BlueJordan Retro 11Jordan 11 2013Jordan Retro 11Gamma Blue 11s For SaleGamma Blue 11sjordan retro 11jordan 11 gamma bluejordan 11gamma blue 11sGamma Blue 11s For SaleGamma Blue 11sGamma Blue 11sGamma Blue 11s