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D tawengamt (d tiririt γef twengamt “Taklit n tayri”) sγur: “B.C Tanaṣlit”
--I yiman n Fuziya Σeggad--
-Ur yessin wul aṭṭan-is, ur yeẓri anwa i d abrid-is! Ileḥḥu war lewhi, fell-as ẓẓayet tikli, deg webrid ur yessin ara. Ayen akk i d-ttmagarent wallen-is, ur t-iεeqqel ara, γas ma yella yuγ fell-as tannumi. Ur yelli ara d aderγal, maca, tuγal fell-as tallest n lebda. Ggten fell-as iγeblan acḥal, yeεreq-as wudem n lehna.
    Tiyersi i yezzin fell-as, mačči d tin i yezmer ad yefsi, yettnaγ yid-s yal ass, afud ur s-d-yegri… yettsuγu, ḥedd ur s-d-yerri, ḥedd ur yesli i teγri-s, imi deg wanu lqayen i yezder, tewwi-t tayugt n wussan, akin i lqaεa d lebḥer, akin i igenwan, akin i tlisa  umaḍal i ssnen medden….
     Nniγ-ak a gma n yiman; abrid ideg iteddu ur iban, taftilt i s-d-tessaγeḍ, texsi, mi d-iṣuḍ fell-as waḍu n tmeddit! Netta yettsuγu, kečč tedduriḍ di tsussmi, tettganiḍ amek ara tefru! Netta ireqq, kečč tettrajuḍ melmi ara d-yerr nnehta, tenniḍ ahat, d ussan ara yessexsin timess-nni i t-yessruγun… tenniḍ, tenniḍ… ur d-tenniḍ: S tidet yeεqel wul aṭṭan-is?!
- Acimi ur tberruḍ i ṭṭbel deg waman, anef i wayen akken akk i t-yesduqqusen ad yeḍfer lğerrat n zzman, ahat ad yaf abrid iṣeḥḥan…
- “Lemmer a d-yuγal zzman…” maca, teḥsiḍ tikli n zzman ur tessin abrid n tuγalin, ayen akken i γ-yettfaten, ayen akk i γ-yettağğan, yecba γer wussan, ma zrin, ulac tuγalin…Ayen akk i nfut, ayen i γ-ifuten, d awezγi a t-nemmager tikkelt-nniḍen, a tawaγit n win i teğğa targit, ger tilawt d uwezγi, yettnadi…
-Acuγer ara targuḍ itran deg uzal?
-Anwa i k-yennan ulac itran deg uzal ?
-Ṭṭef ihi, deg ijifer n ccwal, qqim d tanekraft n wayen ur d-nettuγal…
-Acuγer ; acuγer i γ-rran lebγi d lmuḥal ?!
-D kemm i ifernen tirγi n wuzzal
-uzzal s tmess ifessi
-Ul tettarra-t d ulac tayri.
-Tecceḍ tedmi-k, d nettat i d kullci!
-Akken i tγileḍ, ihi? Wali, anwa akka i irebḥen seg yemrayen! Wali, d acu i sen-d-iṣaḥen, Rumyu d lmut, Qays d tisselbi, i kemmi? D acu i tγennmeḍ ass-agi?!
-D aṭṭan.
-D kemm i yefkan laman.
-D targit i ssarameγ kan!
-Argu ayen yellan, d acu i kem-yewwin γer yetran!
-D iḥulfan.
- Jerreb ihi, ssusem kan.
- Acuγer i tesmenyafem tasussmi, acuγer i tekksem awal i yimi, ayen ara tesgugmem tayri?
- Suγ, ma tesεiḍ tabγest, aha, ini-yasen i medden, amek i tewweḍ ddebra s iγes, anef i win yuklalen, d win ur nuklal γef twaγit-im ad iḍes…Aha, d acu i tettrajuḍ, ahat, beggen-d d acu akka i tettḥulfuḍ!
-Ur yelli d ayen n dir, mačči d ayen megdulen…
-D ayen ur kem-id-yettṣiḥen, d ayen i kem-ibeεden, atan d acu-t.
 -Ur ẓriγ ara d acu-k?!
-D lemri, anda ara twaliḍ udem-im, wali, deg-s ma yehwaya-yam, izri akk d yimal-im…
-Εni, d agezzan, wissen, ma tesεiḍ tabellart-nni n jjağğ, awi-d meqqar ad waliγ anda yella yetri-w, ad kkseγ agu-agi i iγummen ul-iw.
-Tabellart i sεiγ d ussan-nni i ikerfen izri-w, d ayen akken i yesεedda yixef-iw, wali kan ahat, ad tafeḍ deg-sen iman-im.
-Anef-iyi ur ttwaliγ, anwa i k-yennan γer tid akken i tesεeddaḍ ttcabiγ?!
-Tecbiḍ akk ayen i iεeddan, γef yixef-iw ur ntettu, ssneγ abrid n iḥulfan, anda i yettfuku, ẓriγ amek i zerrin wussan, amek asemmud irennu, ma tegraḍ-d i yir aṭṭan, ḥṣiγ amek i yi-teḍra, ad am-teḍru. Ahat, nniγ-am-d yakan a "Taklit n tayri“ d iḥulfan, yak tayri d aγurru?!
-Ala, ala… Tayri a gma n yiman d aḥulfu!
-Aḥulfu d aγurru.
-Aḥulfu a gma n yiman d ccbaḥa ur nettfuku.
-Ccbaḥa d aγurru.
-Ccbaḥa, a gma n yiman, iḥemmel-itt yillu.
-Illu ur iḥemmel aγurru!
-Ssusem kan, anef i wayen i yi-yesserγen ad yernu, fiḥel a k-γiḍeγ, dayen, d nekk i iḥemmlen tirγi-inu.
-D tasussmi-iw, i kem-yezzuγren γer tizi n waṭṭan, ammer i m-d-mliγ si tazwara amek ur d-ttuγalen wussan, yili, ur tettfateḍ akk ayen yelhan, ur kem-kerrfen ass-a iḥulfan.
-Tasussmi, tneqq tiγri, tasussmi tesseftay awezγi.
-Ḥemmleγ tasussmi.
-Turez-ikem tugdi.
-Ḥemmleγ tasussmi.
-Teffreḍ deg ijifer n tugdi!
-Ḥemmleγ tasussmi…
-Tekref-ikem, tugdi, fiḥel ad tesdergeḍ fell-i ayen akken i ssneγ nekkini, fiḥel ad tnekreḍ ayen akken i yebγa wul-im a t-id-yini. Teẓriḍ tuεer tikli, teẓriḍ iman-im ur tessineḍ ara, tεuddeḍ yeshel kullci, tenwiḍ d tira i iṣeffḍen, tebγiḍ ad terreḍ lmedda* melba imbuxxen, tenwiḍ llant tecraḍ war idammen?!...
-Nwiγ tazmert n tayri, tif tin n medden, εuddeγ awezγi, d tayri i t-iregglen.
-Nniγ-am, meẓẓiyeḍ ur tessineḍ, nniγ-am, ssusem tesleḍ, meyyez ad teẓreḍ, ayen akk i ikefnen s wabbu n tmess-im, di rrεud n tegnawt-iw a s-tesleḍ. Sel amek i tneqq ccbaḥa amdan, amek i tettγurr targit iḥulfan, ẓer amek i d-yettuγal zzman!
Aseḍsu, ad yeğğ imi-m, ad am-yuγal d imeṭṭi, asafu ad yeqqed ul-im, deg-s a m-d-yeğğ ccwami, agu ad iγumm allen-im, ur am-d-tettban tziri, d terẓeg i d lqut-im, a t-tεerrḍeḍ deffir nnhati.
Acrureq ad yesfeḍ seg wallen-im, si εawaz ad tettensimmiḍ, leḥzen a d-iban γef wudem-im, zdat lemri ad tergagiḍ, ur tεeqqleḍ iman-im, d tayeḍ ara tiliḍ.
Tawlawalt, a m-tuγal d aṭṭan, aṭṭan-im yal ass ad yettnerni, ad tessutureḍ liḥsan, seg wul aberrani, ad teccihwiḍ aman, di ccetwa fell-am ad yeqqar  igenni, ad terjuḍ ger tizzyiwin-im, ḥedd ur kem-id-yettwali…
Ussan, a d-ẓuγren ussan, ussan i yettruḥun fell-am ad tezzin, ur tettafeḍ laman, d layas ara m-d-yegrin… Ussan a d-rnun deffir wussan, ussan ara d-yasen a kem-awin…
-Ttif lmut, tudert n war lebγi!
-Ttif lmut s lebγi, tamettant s ccḥani, kemm tenwiḍ ddunit d tirga.
-Tudert d leḥmala…
-Tudert, d timucuha, yal wa amek tebda tedyent-is, keffunt s yiwet talγa, «D udem-is i d tabrat-is! »
- D acu i d leqrar-is?! Mel-iyi ur ssineγ ara, amek ara yeεqel wul aṭṭan-is, akken a s-d-yaf ddwa?
- Ur yessin wul aṭṭan-is, abrid ur t-iεeqqel ara, ammer t-yessin ad tqeεεed tikli-s, ur yeggar aḍar-is di temda … Ur treggi tegnawt-is, ur s-tettcuḥ lehwa, ur ttkawen iẓuran-is, ad ijuğğeg lebda….
-Amek ihi?! Ttxilk mel-iyi!
-D kemm i yeẓran tura, nekk awal-iw dayen yeggugem, kemm deg-m tefti lhedra, nekk imi-w yeqqar kan “Ssusem”!
-Ssusem, neγ ssiwel, qqim neγ rwel, d acu ara i iṣefḍen ccwami n wussan, d acu ara i iḥebsen tikli n zzman, amek ara neg taggara i iḥulfan?!
-Ini-d kemm!
-Meẓẓiyeγ… ur ssineγ!
-ihi, ssusem!
-Aql-in ggugmeγ…
-Ur ttgugum ara, nniγ-am kan ssusem; di tsussmi tella ddwa, ma d agugem yettawi-d lada.
-Ur gziγ ara! Ssefru-d imeslayen-ik!
-Tegziḍ, γas ur tfaqeḍ ara, teẓriḍ ayen akk ur teẓriḍ ara, fiḥel tuffra, ssyenna akk i d-nekka, teẓriḍ ayen ẓriγ, tessneḍ ayen akk i m-d-nniγ, tugadeḍ kan a d-iban fell-am! Tedduriḍ ijifer n ṭṭlam.
-Tabγest-im d ulac! Lqeḍra-m d tilemt, iferr-im d amerzu, wamag aql-ikem-id tesrafgeḍ seg wacḥal-aya!
-Ar umaḍal-nni i tessneḍ ur ssineγ ara!
-Yili aql-in ddreγ tura.
-Ihi, d acu tettrajuḍ akka?
-Ttrajuγ a d-tres tmella, ttrajuγ ad mmagreγ lehna, ttrajuγ tifrat i temseεreqt-a.
-Rju ihi taggara.
  Wehran: Γuct 2957/2007
Tamawt: * Lmedda, ttarrant-tt tulawin γef timmi-nsent akken ad cebbḥent yes-s, ssruγunt-tt di teccuyt-nni n ideqqi (qqaren-as taccuyt n lmedda) taḥcict taqurant i wumi qqaren Lεefṣ akk d Ṭṭib, d wiyaḍ, sikin a ten xelḍent di teccuyt-nni tamecṭuḥt i wumi ttarrant tadimt, srusunt-tt γef tergin alamma rγan leḥwal-nni, ttuγalen d imbuxxen ( busfus/ tanulya), nnda-nni n leffwar-nnsen di tadimt n teccuyt-nni i ixelḍen s yembuxxen i d-fkan leḥwal-nni mi rγan ttcebbiḥent yes-sen timmi-nsent.  

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