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Lemmer a d-yuγal zzman

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B.C Tanaslit d taqbaylit id yekkren di temdint n Wehran, d tanelmadt di tesdawit . Ur tettu ara tameslayt n lejdud-is, telmed tira n tmaziγt di tiddukla Numidya n Wehran, syen tɛedda srid ara tira, tebda s tira n imagraden di tesγunt Tafukt i d-yettefγen yal ayyur seg useggas 2003, ass-a tessaweḍ ad taru adlis ines amezwaru “Lemmer a d-yuγal zzman “, i d-yefγen γer tizrigin Numidya deg wayyur n mayyu 2006.

Lemmer a d-yuγal zzman d tullizt n 58 isebtaren, id yewwin γef tayri . Krad (3) imeddukal myefkan lɛahed ad ilin am atmaten akken ibγu yili , Ssaɛid anelmad di tesdawit , Farid d Murad iwumi temmut tmeṭṭut-is Tilas, teğğa-yas-d aqrur, Lunis , at iwanes .

Krad imeddukal-a ḥemmlen Jeğğiga tagujilt id yegwran tura deg ufus n tmeṭṭut n baba-s .Kul yiwen yebγa ad tili ines, nettat yiwen kan tḥemmel ger-asen. Maca tewwi-tt tmara ad taγ wayeḍ , win itt-irefden , win-itt isetren .

D tullizt  yettwarun s teqbaylit timsereḥt, teshel maḍi i wefham, ur testugget ara deg-s awalen imaynuten anagar wid yelḥan mliḥ  ass-a, txaḍ-itt  akken iwata maca taggara n tullizt teswehmeγ kra imi macci d tagara i nella nettrağu .Lawan I deg nella nettrağu ad mlilen ulawen, amaray yettu taɛzizt-is , yufa tayri nniḍen … tayri n tutlayt d idles amaziγ . Yettban-ed dakken d tayri n tutalyt taqbaylit itt yiwwin ar tira .Dayen igerzen imi tefka-yas azal-is i teqbaylit, temla-yaγ i tikkelt nniḍen dakken taqbaylit tezmer i iman-is, nezmer a naru yis ayen iγ-yehwa.

Akken neğğ a tt-teγrem tullizt a tt-teẓrem amek ara tefru  di tagara.


Tzemrem ad tarum i Tiddukla Tadelsant Numidya  n Wehran

tansa: BP 101 Oran RP 31000


Tel: 070-41-13-63


Compte bancaire cpa 416418144661149. agence Khemisti, Oran


Tukkist :

 Awal n yemma-s yerna deg wul-is, tugi ṣṣura-nni n Jeğğiga ad truḥ si lbal-is, iḥulfa I yiman-is yehlek si leḥzen, yeɛreḍ ad yekker, ur yezmir ara, yeqqim deg wusu yettru .

 Ssaɛid, degmi yella meẓẓi iḥemmel Jeğğiga, akken yettimγur, tettnernay tayri-s, maca, werğin I s-d-yesken iḥulfan-is, ḥedd ur yeẓri ayen yellan deg wul-is. Ass-a, Ssaɛid yettḥulfu I wul-is ireqq, imi taḥnint-is di lmeḥna, netta ur yezmir a s-yesfeḍ imeṭṭi, ur yelli, s idis-is, akken a s-yessenqes lḥif.

Yessaram lemmer yezmir, ad yuγal d ṭṭir a tt-id-yexḍef deg ifassen n tmeṭṭut n baba-s, a tt-yeserwel si lmeḥna d lmertat, a tt-yawi deffir n waggur d yetran, ad idiren akken jmiɛ beɛden γef lmeḥna d wurfan, maca ger lebγi d wayen yessaram yakk d tidet, ur yezmir ad yerẓ leqyud.


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