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"Feṭṭiwej, Tamacahut n tbelfeḍt war afriwen" tamacahut n Djidji Nait teffeγ-d tura di teẓrigin Lulu.com


Feṭṭiwej, "tamacahut n tbelfeḍt war afriwen" d tamcahut yura John Burningham, i d-terra Djidji Nait ɣer  teqbaylit, s usuneɣ, i warrac iqbayliyen d wid yebɣan ad lemden tutlayt-a. I warrac akk yesɛan si 3 ɣer 6 n iseggasen, i wakken ad issinen, s tutlayt-nsen, d acu i d anamek n wayeḍ, ad lemden amek ara t-qeblen gar-asen, ara t-qadren, akken yebɣu yili yemgarad fell-asen. I warrac-nneɣ uḥricen.


Tazwart :

Ger wayen yelhan di tudert d cwiṭ n tseddarit, mi ara tili yerna yeẓra wemdan, yezmer ad yeffer deg-s taqerrut-is ass ideg ara d-yeqqeṛṣ igenni neγ a d-iserreḥ ula i ugejdur ma yehwa-yas.


Acku ayen ira yewwet-it umezwi-nni, ad yezri, a d-yeqqel daγen lawan ideg d-yettecrurud yiṭij am tsekrin γef tγaltin, ifurran n ijeğğigen izedγen tirga n wanzaren d wallen ad idel wabbu-nsen tibḥrin n tmurt d wayen akk d asent-d-yezzin.


Yal win ara d-yeqqimen d amuddur, ad yeqqel wul-is icennu, "yewweḍ-d wass-nni nettrağu s tuffra, d nnuba-k freḥ!".


Win yeggaren tamawt, yettḍeggiren tiṭ-is ẓelmeḍ yeffes yeẓra mačči yiwen wadeg i yellan, ufan-ten lγaci ttdarin-ten di tegnatin n ẓẓmik am tagi d-yewwi umeddaḥ di teqsiṭ.


D acu kan, tewwi-yaγ-d daγen ad nẓer, tuget deg-sen d imeḍqan yettaḍṣan s iṭeṭṭucen, flan merra, keččmen-ten-id tmiqwa yakk d ṣṣmaḍiḥ yettarran ula d allaγen uḍnen lehlak n buṣemmaḍ.


War ma ttuγ ad wellheγ iniγ, yella daγen wayen-nniḍen d bu lehhu yelhan yugaren cwiṭ n tseddarit iγef d-uriγ yakan yerna annect-a d aḥulfu kan, d ayen izedγen deg-neγ s yemdanen.


Aḥulfu-yagi d asirem, acku win t-ilan neγ ur t-yegzim ara iteqqel-asent i tmuffirin igenni d tansa iγef ttnadint deg iḍ deg wass.


Daγnetta akken i d as-teḍra i twenza n Feṭṭiwej Iferγiγed, tibelfeḍt-agi tameεlalt yellan d tagejdit talemmast n tmacahut-agi d aγ-d-tesmuḥyet Djidji si tutlayt n John Burningham γer tin n Muḥya.


Ad as-nmeyyez i tedyant akken tt-tedder Feṭṭiwej, ad naf timuffirin-agi igenni yettaken anzi γer tin tt-yerran tecreh i lebda, γas ulamma yessemgared-itt ugama tt-id-yefkan γef tebrikin-nniḍen, yettak-itent-id dγa ugama-nni i yimanen yuklalen ayen yelhan, at wulawen d wallaγen ur nezzeγzeγ.


Timuffirin igenni swayes sḥissifen nezzeh at wulawen-agi tikkwal d tidak-nniḍen, d mi ara d-iwali ungifen, uḥdiqen xaṭi.


Ihi d tagi i d taγdemt ugama, d tagi i d tameddurt.


D ayagi iwumi lhant tmucuha am tagi yeččuren d inumak, simmal nessawal-itent-id i warrac nettales-itent-id, sseqdacen allaγen-nsen mi ara γ-d-ssmeḥsisen, keččmen di tirga d-yessemγayen asirem yettnernin igemmu deg wulawen-nsen.


Anwa ad as-yinin, ad as-d-yegri i Feṭṭiwej liser am winna, ulamma tefrurex-d war afriwen yerna ula d amejjay iγersiwen iγer tt-wwin imawlan-is inuda-tt yenna-yasen-d, werğin akk ḍallent wallen-is γef tbelfeḍt am nettat?


Tamacahut wezzilet, iḍarren-is γezzifit, tessawaḍ timuγliwin tefflent seg ugemmaḍ akin, d m inumak yettaken anzi s azamul n Матрёшка, taεelğet tarusit.


Inumak si tama, timuγlwin daγen mi ara ṭṭṛeḍqent fell-as si tama-nniḍen, ttwalint-tt d yiwet, maca, mi ara tt-yeldi wemdan, ladγa mi ara tili meqqret, yezmer ad yaf deg-s alamma d 15 neγ 16 n tεelğtin-nniḍen am nettat, ideg llant daγen tiyaḍ ibubben ula d nutenti tiyaḍ di tεebbaḍ-nsent.


Timucuha daγen d tasekla, tasekla s umata γur-s azal d ameqqran s igduden d as-t-yettaken, imi tt-ssnen d acu-tt.


Imusnawen imeqqranen n tsekla n tmurt n Lalman, tansafart (taḥanut isufar, n ddwawi) i d asen-ssawalen i yedlisen n tmucuha n watmaten Grimm, Astrid Lindgren, tameskart Tasewwidit d waṭas-nniḍen.


Ladγa γef tmucuha yuran Jakob Ludwig Karl d gma-s Wilhelm Karl Grimm ssegzan-d fell-asent s wudem n tussna tabsikulujit, amek zemrent ad ṣṣiwḍent imawlan ad εeqlen iγilifen n dderya-nsen ten-yerran uγalen akken ur llin yakan, akken ad asen-d-afen tifrat d wayen akk yettaken anzi s aya.


Tura γas ad yenneγni wul tazwara, mi ara twareb tmuγli, ad tuγal s axxam imawlan, ad twali igenni n teqbaylit d yir netta, ad t-in-taf yebges-d aggus γer nnger s ṣṣxeḍ d-iγeṭṭel fell-as, maca, ul-nni ad yeqqel yecreh, imi yeẓra terna-d tmacahut-agi timgerrezt yettaken anzi γer cwiṭ n tseddarit-nni iγef d-uriγ yakan, mi akken greγ afus deg wesxerbubec n weḍris-agi γer drus n wayen yelhan, zeddigen, yufraren di tmetti m tsekla ideg ula d isefra n ccna γef at laxert d wayen ur nemgarad ara yid-s s waṭas, γas ulamma reddḥen yes-s at laxert iceṭṭḥen qqlen deg-s am Rebbi irumyen.


Djidji, tameskart d aγ-d-yesmuḥeyten tamacahut-agi nessen yakan tiyita n wemru-s yufraren: Akken tzad deg isefra d wayen-nniḍen akk tettaru, i teḥrec tewwi-d iman-is deg wesmuḥyet is ara yecreh wul n win inejren abrid-a lemmer a d-yuγal, mi ara tt-id-yaf terna-yas aseḥlelli i tεekkazt d aγ-yerqa.


Ihi tura, ssers iγsan-ik di talwit, kečč ay amdan igerrzen, tanemmirt yemmden, i kemm a Djidji!


Sεid At Mεemmer



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Ulac win i d-yennan kra γef umagrad-a. Ilik(kem) d-amdan amenzu ara d-yinin kra fell-as.

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