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Imenγi n Yugurten

yugurten.pngYugurten d yiwen ugellid n imaziγen di tallit n 113 ar mi d 104 Weqbel Sidna Σisa. Di lawan-nni, Yugurten yeεreḍ ad yesdakel imaziγen akken ad ssufγen Aṛumi. Xas ur yessaweḍ ara γer lebγi-s, lamaεna Yugurten yettwassen deg umezruy s imenγi-ines zdat wudem n Ṛṛum. Imenγi-yagi i d-yellan ger Yugurten akw d Ṛṛum yekka 6 isegwasen maca ur d-yegli yara s tlelli. Weqbel ad d-nawi awal γef imenγi-yagi ilaq ad nehḍer γef ayen i yeḍran di Tmazγa weqbel ad yuγal Yugurten d agellid.

Di 146 (w.s.ε.) , Qarṭaj, tamdint n Hanibal, yesγeḍl-itt Ṛṛum s lemεawna n Massnsen. Tadukli-yaggi ger Ṛṛum akw d Massnsen teqqim ar mi d ass mi i yemmut. Arraw n Massnsen, Masibsen, Mastanabal akw d Gulusa, qqlen d igelliden γef tmurt. Zrin kra n isegwasen yemmut Mastanabal akw d Gulusa, yeqqim-ed ḥaca Masibsa d agellid. Mastanabal imi yemmut yesεa-d sin igerdan, Yugurten akw d Guda. Masibsa yesker-ed igerdan n gma-s am zun akken d arraw-is, iga-yasen s leqṛaṛ yerna yesγer-iten. Masibsa igelled 30 isegwasen, yesεa-d sin igerdan, Aderbal akw d Hemsal. Di lawan-is, Masibsa ikemmel tidukla i d-yebda Massnsen ger Imaziγen akw d Iṛumyen. Masibsa iteddu di lebγi n Ṛṛum acku imir nni ulac win izemren ad d-yerfed afus-is zdat n Ṛṛum.

Yugurten yella yeqfez d izumal, yugar akw tizya-s; yesdukel tiḥeṛci akw d leğhada. Yella d amnay ifazen ayen din, yernu iteddu γer ṣyada. Aṭṭas n wid iḥemmlen Yugurten acku yettcabi γer Massnsen di tezmart akw d tḥeṛci. Deg tazwara, Masibsa yefraḥ s mmi-s n gma-s, ass mi iḥulfa belli ur yeğhid ara, ikcem-it weγbel n warraw-is acku mazal-iten meẓẓiyit yerna Yugurten ma ikemmel akka yezmer ad yuγal d agellid. Masibsa yebγa d arraw-is ar a t-id-ixelfen. D accu ar a yexdem akken ad yekkes Yugurten deg webrid n warraw-is ? Ihi yefka-t γer imenγi, yessarem dinn-a ad yemmet Yugurten, ad d-yeqqim wemkan-is i warraw-is. Di 134 (w.s.ε.) Yugurten iruḥ γer Sbenyul akken ad iεiwen Ṛṛum deg imenγi-nsen. Mačči akken yessarem Masibsa i teffeγ, Yugurten yeqqel-asen d izem i yeεdawen-is. Iṛumyen setεerfen fell-as, cekren-t akken ma llan. Ihi Yugurten ibeggen-ed iman-is d argaz. Yerna di Sbunyul yefhem akw amek i teddunt temsal.

Ass mi i yemmut Masibsen deg usegwas n 118 (w.s.ε.) arraw-is nnejmaεen akw d Yugurten akken ad feṛqen tamurt maca ur ssawḍen ara ad msefhamen, ihi fkan ttiεud ad mlilen tikelt nniḍen. Yugurten si tazwara yenwa d netta ar a yuγalen d agellid acku yeγleb arraw n Masibsen di leεmeṛ, yerna lεeṣker akw ḥemlen-t. Ihi weqbel ad yemlil wis ssin iberdan akw d warraw n Masibsa, yekker yenγa Hemsal di yiwet n temdint imi qqaren Tirmida. Ayen i yexdem akka Yugurten yefreq agdud γef sin, yiwen wamur yedda d Uderbal wayeḍ yedda d Yugurten. Aneggaru-yaggi yettkel yedda yid-es lεeṣker yerna yesεa tamusni d wid i ḥekmen di Ṛṛum; yettak-asen tijεal akken ur ttεawanen ara Aderbal. Akken kan yebda imenγi ger sin watmaten-aggi, Aderbal iwala belli ur yezmir ara ad iqabel lεeṣker n Yugurten; ihi yerwel γer Ṛṛum yedda di leεnaya-nsen. Aderbal imi yewweḍ γer Ṛṛum icetka γef Yugurten acku imiren Tamazγa mazal-itt ddaw uzalgu n Ṛṛum. Ihi tekcem-ed Ṛṛum ger sin watmaten-agi, tefṛeq-asen tamurt. Yugurten niqal yeqbel faṛuq-agi, lamaεna akken kan εeddan 4 isegwasen iεawed ṛṛay-is, yebγa tamellalt, tasekkurt! Ihi yekker s imenγi akken ad yawi ula d amur n Aderbal. Aneggaru-yagi yessawel i Ṛṛum akken a t-menεen. Abrid-aggi Yugurten ibgges-ed, yugi ad yerr aḍar. Yugurten yezzi-yas-ed s lεeṣker i temdint n Sirṭa, anda i yella Uderbal. Di temdint-agi n Sirṭa qwan Iṛumyen ixeddmen tğaṛa. Aderbal yeẓra ur yezmir ara ad iqabel Yugurten, ihi yeffeγ-ed γer-es akken ad isellem iman-is mebla imenγi. Yugurten yussa-d akken ad yawi uqerru n Aderbal, ihi yenγa-t din din. Ikemmel yenγa akw Iṛumyen i yellan di Sirṭa. S yaggi γer d asawen, ulac tuγalin γer deffir.Yugurten yesdukel amur-is akw d win n Aderbal, yeqqel d netta i d agellid. Ṛṛum ur yesṭaεref ara s Yugurten d agellid acku ur syaεğib ara wayen yexdem Yugurten, labaεda imi yenγa Iṛumyen-nni di Sirṭa. Yugurten ihegga iman-is; imiren win i kecmen deg imenγi akw d Ṛṛum am win yettnaγen d win i t-yernan acku di lawan-nni, Ṛṛum ulac win is-izemren.

Asegwas amenzu deg imenγi-agi ger Yugurten akw d Ṛṛum, Yugurten yettak tijεal i wid i ḥekmen lεeṣker n Ṛṛum akken ur ttnaγen ara yid-es. Yugurten iḥeccem Ṛṛum, acku yuγ irgazen-is s tejεal. Di 109 (w.s.ε.) Ṛṛum terna tceyyeε lεeṣker nniḍen γer Tmazγa, abrid-agi ssawḍen ad ṭfen Bgayet maca ur kcimen γer temnaḍin nniḍen. Yugurten mazal-it ibed γef ifadden-is, yessen tamurt am ufus-is; s tḥeṛci yeγleb aεdaw-is. Di tegrest n 108 (w.s.ε.) imezdaγ n Bgayet ṭṭfen-ed yiwen wazen n Yugurten anda isen-d-yenna: “ Nγet-tten, nγet-tten akken ma llan”. Ihi imezdaγ n Bgayet uγen awal n Yugurten kkren nγan akw Iṛumyen i yellan di Bgayet. Yugurten yebγa ad d-yesker amnafaq di Tmazγa zdat n Ṛṛum. Aṭṭas imezdaγ n Tmazγa i yeddan yid-es, ama s tin n lxir neγ s tin n tmara. Lεeṣker n Ṛṛum yerra urfan-is γef imezdaγ, anda yewweḍ ad yexdem axeṣṣar deg-sen. Di temdint n Tala, lεeṣker-agi n Ṛṛum yezzi-yas-ed 40 wussan, imezdaγ n temdint-aggi akken walan ulac tarewla, ṭfen-d akw cci-nsen ( dheb akw d lfeṭṭa) gren-t γer yiwen wexxam, kecmen γer wexxam-nni, fkan-as times akken nitni d axel-is, qeblen a ten-tečč tmes ula ad uγalen d aklan.

Ass mi yewweḍ lεeṣker n Ṛṛum γer tama n wadda n Tmazγa, Yugurten yesdukel-ed γur-es aḍeggal-is Bukus, agellid n Muriṭanya. Di 108 (w.s.ε.), Yugurten yesla belli d yiwen wergaz imi qqaren Marius i yeqwlen γef uqerru n lεeṣker n Ṛṛum i yellan di Tmazγa. Xas akken yeqwa lεeṣker di Tmazγa, Marius yeḍleb si Ṛṛum akken as-d-rnun lεeṣker. Marius ikemmel ayen i yebdan yid-ak iεeddan, s kra n win i yeddan d Yugurten yenγa-t ama d argaz neγ d tameṭṭut, yerẓa uzegzaw s uquṛan. Ass mi ifukk unebdu n 107 (w.s.ε.) Marius yessaweḍ ad yeṭṭef yiwet n temdint imi qqaren Gafṣa; yecεel deg-s times; yenγa akw irgazen, ma d lxalat akw d igerdan yeznez-iten d aklan. Tasa n Marius teqqur, smaḥ γur-es ur yelli.

Yugurten yeḍleb si Bukus akken ad iheggi iman-is γer imenγi acku yebγa ad iqabel Marius udem γer wudem. Di tegrest n 106, imenγi yebda ger Yugurten akw d Marius; di tazwara yugar-it Yugurten xas akken yeqwa lεeṣker n Marius. Akken 6 wussan qlen s imenγi tikelt nniḍen maca abrid-agi yugar-it Marius. Yugurten xas akken yečča tiyita lamaεna ur yegzim ara assirem, yeεzem ad ikemmel imenγi. Si tama nniḍen, Bukus yeffeγ-it ussirem, yebγa ad iḥbes imenγi; yebγa ad yemcawaṛ d Ṛṛum. Iṛumyen d anect-agi kan i ttṛajun, si tazwara bγan ad mcawaṛen d yemdukal n Yugurten akken a t-id-ṭṭfen d amuddur. Bukus yenna-yas i Yugurten belli yettemcawaṛ akw d Ṛṛum akken ad ḥebsen imenγi. Yugurten yeqbel aḥbas imenγi maca yefka-yasen ccuṛuṭ-ines. Ṛṛum akw d Bukus uddin-as-tt, ṭfen-t. Deg usegwas n 105 (w.s.ε.), Yugurten yettwaṭṭef ger ifassen n Marius s txudεa. Ṛṛum tefka-yas i Bukus amur n Yugurten, yeqqel d netta i d agellid.

Marius yeqqel γer Ṛṛum yewwi yid-es Yugurten d ameḥbus. Imi yewweḍ γer temdint n Ṛṛum, sersen-as lqec n ugellid i Yugurten akken a t-seknen akw i lγaci. Imezdaγ n Ṛṛum akken ma llan wehmen imi i walan Yugurten d ameḥbus. Yugurten yeqqim di lḥebbs 6 wussan yemmut si fad akw d laẓ.

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