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Asenfar i Timanit n Tmurt n Iqbayliyen


1) Imi tugna(Personnalité) n ugdud aqbayli tezga tufrar , di yal tallit, s tutlayt-is akk d uẓar-is amaziγ. Tuddsa(Organisation) n tmetti, tayri n tlelli. Deg wqadeṛ akk d tayett ittakk i wiyaḍ, timmad-is ur ttuqtent ara ar igduden nniḍen.

2) Imi tanettit(identité) taqbaylit temmun seg zik, ma ulac akkwya seg tallit talemmast(moyen âge).

3) Imi tamurt iqbayliyen turar tamlilt (rôle) tafellayt deg umussu aγelnaw azzayri akk d umennuγ γef timunent(indépendance) anda i tefkka d asfel aṭas seg tarwa-s.

4)Imi tanettit taqbaylit ur s d isaḥ ara umḍiq-is deg tbadut (définition) n tnettit tazzayrit. Imi miḥyaf yezga mgal iqbayliyen seg tmunent ar wass-a.

5) Imi Tamurt n Iqbayliyen suffγen-tt seg uttikki deg tsertit n lezzayer, seg tnekra n FFS n 1963 ar tefsut taberkant deg immuten aṭas ilemẓiyen, deg ibrir 2001, war ma nettu tafsut imaziγen n 1980, asunded(grève) n uγerbaz n 1994-95, akk d tmenγiwt n Matub Lwennas.

6) Imi ur d yeqqim wayen yezdin tasertit n udabu azzayri akk d Tmurt n Iqbayliyen, imi adabu anagar aqezzul akk d uldun s wacu i ittmeslay akk d ugdud aqbayli. Ayagi 40(kkuẓet tmerwin) iseggasen aya tura.

7) Imi Agraw n Summam n useggas n 1956(semuset tmerwin d sḍis) yesbedd imenzayen (principes) n timanit n Temnaḍin (lwilayat).

8) Imi adabu istenya akrawal(traité) agraγlan n izerfan n igduden, deg useggas n 1976.

9) Imi amussu aγerman i d ssekkren Laεruc anagar tmurt n Iqbayliyen i iḥuz.

10) I usellek n tdukkli n wakal n uγlan azzayri, i wakken ad yeḥbes umberraz yezgan gar udabu azzayri akk d temnaṭ n Iqbayliyen, Amussu i Timanit n Tmurt n Iqbayliyen igr-ed ameslay  usqerdec n USENFAR N TIMANIT N TMURT N IQBAYLIYEN.

Ixf I (amenzu) : tabadut

1. S tutlayt ines, s idles ines akk d umezruy ines, AGDUD AQBAYLI yefkka i iman-is tanettit akk d tugna yufraren.

2. Iqbayliyen, tugett nsen, d-iγerman n lezzayer, diγen d Imaziγen illan, d « imdanen ilelliyen ».

3. Tamurt n Iqbayliyen d tamurt nsen tamezwarut. Tilisa n wakal-is d-tid n Temnaṭ tis 3(kraḍ) n tegrawala n timunent mgal Fransa timsehṛest(coloniale). Tilisa tideblatin(adminitratives) ttfakkant anda ttfakkant tid n tutlayt ines akk d tid n wazalen ines.

4. Taqbaylit d tutlayt ines tunṣibt. Dacu kan Tamurt n Iqbayliyen ad tesselmed i tarwa ines kra yellan d tutlayt s ad tnefli, deg wannaren n idles, n tdamsa, n tmetti neγ n tsertit.

IXF wis sin(2) : Azalen

1.Tamurt n Iqbayliyen ad tesseεdel izerfan n Wergaz akk d wid n Tmeṭṭut. Rennu n takniwin ad-ittwagdel(interdire), ad-ittwaqḍeε seg tmetti.

2. Ddin d tamsalt yeεnan amdan iman-is, awannak(l’état) ur d issekcam ara iman-is deg-s

3. S tugdut ad ddunt tsuddiwin(institutions) n Tmurt ad ittwafernen sγur agdud aqbayli

4. Tamurt n Iqbayliyen ad teqqim tefka tayett i Izzayriyen akd tzzayriyin, akk d imaziγen anda ma llan deg umennuγ nsen γef izerfan nsen idelsanen isertiyen.

5. Tamurt n Iqbayliyen ad teldi tiwwura ines i izzayriyen, Tamurt lezzayer isulef ad-teldi uma d nettat tiwwura ines i iqbayliyen.

Ixf wis III : Timanit n temnaṭ n iqbayliyen

1. Tamurt n Iqbayliyen, isulef ad teseddu timsal n wegdud ines s iman-is, ad teseddu timsal n weγlan ines s iman-is, war ma iḍebber wayeḍ fell-as.

2. Anamek n timanit n temnaṭ nneγ, d asebeddi n uwannak s ufran n wemni (asqamu aγelnaw), akabar d iwwin tugett imukan ad d-yesbedd anabaḍ (gouvernement) ad iseddun timsal n temnaṭ taqbaylit

3. Tisuddiwin nniḍen ilaqen i usegrer(encadrement) n temnaṭ nneγ ad ttwasbeddent, am usqamu unṣib, asqamu n imγaren, akk d tsuddiwin i tεessast n umahil n unabaḍ n temnaṭ taqbaylit.

4. Tamurt n iqbayliyen, ad tesεu izamulen(Armoiries, Symboles) ines akk d usenğaq ines ad ibedden ar iri n usenğaq n lezzayer..

5. Annaren yurzen Awannak n temnaṭ n iqbayliyen d wid tmeddurt n yal ass n imezdaγ ines: taγellist (Sécurité) nsen, asegmi(éducation) n tarwa nsen, idles nsen, tazmert nsen, taγdemt (justice) nsen, izerfan nsen s umata, taywalt(Communication) akk d isalen s umata, asiweḍ akk d wallalen usiweḍ, tiṣuraf nsen akk d tebzert(fiscalité), tadamsa s umata, tawennatt (environnement) akk d tuddsa(aménagement, oraganisation) n wakal n tmurt.

6. Ayen yurzen awannak alemmas n lezzayer d aḥuddu γef tmurt, asufeγ n idrimen akk d tbaddut n tsertit n beṛṛa n tmurt bla ma tḍuṛ tsertit-a taγdeft (nfaε) n Tmurt n iqbayliyen.

Ixf wis IV : Anamek d Wamek

1. Timanit n Tmurt ad tettwiberreḥ tickki ad d-ffγen igmuḍen(résultats) n tefranin n usteqsi γef timanit ad d-iḍṛun deg temnaṭ taqbaylit kan.

2. Anamek akk d wamek aneggaru n timanit-a a ten-setgen(A-ten-niguṣyen) igensasen n Ugdud aqbayli nutni d igensasen n udabu alemmas azzayri.

3. Asqamu deg ad kkin ikabaren, imussuten, ticriḥin, igensasen n wegdud akken ma llan, ad isbedd tamendawt(constitution) tamezwarut taqbaylit s umezdi n wawal.

4. Asenfar-a isutur deg wannak(état) azzayri akken ad ijeddel tamendawt n lezzayer akken ta ur d tteffeγ ara mgal tilawt(réalité) n Ugdud akk d tin n tmurt iqbayliyen.

Wa d-aεraḍ i tsuqelt n uṣenfar n timanit n tmurt sγur Winna

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