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Ṛebbi yemmut !

 Ur teslim ara s wergaz abuhali, i yessaγen taftilt deg uzal qayli, iteddu deg wegni n ssuq yettsuγu: «ttnadiγ γef Ṛebbi ! γef Ṛebbi i ttqellibeγ anda yella ! »
Zdat-s aṭas medden bedden akken d agraw ttemseqsayen; nutni ur uminen ara s Ṛebbi, dγa imi s-slan akken rran-tt i taḍsa:"Aεni yennejla-d ? yenna-yas yiwen. "Aεni yeεreq-as webrid am weqcic amecṭuh ticki s-εerqen imawlan-is ?" Yenna-yas wayeḍ. "Neγ ahat yetteffar kan kra fell-aγ ? Yugad-aγ ahat ? Ddant-as ddaw webrid ahat ? Ffγen iḍaren-is seg cwari ?" – Ihi akka i ttmeslayen, ttsuγun, deg waygarasen yemdanen-nni.  
Abuhali-nni yeṭṭaneg gar-asen, iga i iman-is abrid armi d talemmast, yebda yečča-ten s wallen yiwen yiwen.
 "Anda yerra Ṛebbi ?" yettsuγu fell-asen. „Ihi, a wen-d-iniγ nekk anda yerra Ṛebbi !”
 "A Ṛebbi, nenγa-t, kenwi akk d nekk...neddukkl-as, nenγa-t !"

"D nekkni i t-yenγan ! Maca amek i t-nenγa ?"

 "Amek i nessaweḍ nesskaw ilel, ur d-teggri tiqit n waman deg-s ?"

"Anwa i γ-d-yefkan imeṣleḥ s wayes nefreḍ igli anda ttawḍent wallen-nneγ s teẓri ?"

"Amek armi i s-d-nessenser i lqaεa n ddunit tuγal ulac dacu i tt-yurzen ar yiṭij ? Anda tetteddu tura iman-is ?
I nekkni sani nteddu ?"

"Nteddu kan, tenger fell-aγ tafat n yiṭij ?"

"Nttegrurub kan ar zdat ?"

"D timendeffirt, γef yidis, ar zdat, akkin akka ?"

"Yeqqim-d dγa ar tura  ugessar akk d usawen ? Ahat nehmel deg ulac ur nli taggara ?"

"Mačči d asuḍu n yilem i nettḥulfu yettawḍ-aγ-d ar imeẓẓuγen ?"

"Ur yerni ara teqseḥ usemmiḍ ?"

"Ur ggten ara fell-aneγ wuḍan, iḍ zdat wayeḍ ?"

"Ur d-tewwiḍ ara tura tallit deg yessefk a nessiγ tiftilin deg uzal ?"

"Ur nesli ara kra γef win yeqqazen iẓekwan; win dγa yeγzen akken aẓekka-s i Ṛebbi ?"

"Ur wen-d-tewwiḍ ara rriḥa n rekku n tfekka n Ṛebbi deg uẓekka-s ? Iṛebbiten daγen rekkun lacekk !"

 "Ṛebbi yemmut ! Ṛebbi ad yeqqim akka yemmut ! D nekkni i t-yenγan !"

"Amek tura a nṣebber iman-nneγ, nekkni yenγan tamgerṭ yugaren timegraḍ ?
D Ameqqran nnig imeqqranen, tazmert-is tugar kra yellan deg umaḍal, ass-a yuγal yexnunes ddaw iḍaren-nneγ, ijenwiyen-nneγ ar tura ttengayen d idammen-is – anwa ad yekksen tura idammen-is fell-aγ ?"

"Ansi a d-kken waman yes a ten-nessired, idammen-is ?"

"Amek a nejdeb, anta taẓallit a nẓall, anwa urar aṛebbani a d-nesnulfu ?"

"Ayen nga d ayen meqqren fell-aneγ ?"

"Ahat yessefk a nuγal nekkni d iṛebbiten, akken a d-nbin ahat d tanuda n wayen nga ?"
"Werğin tella-d tmuggit am ta deg ass mi d yennulfa wemdan ar ddunit – Win d-ilulen akka d asawen, s tmuggit-agi i nga nekkni, ad yuγal ad yettikki deg yiwen umezruy yunagen akk imezruyen i yellan ar ass-a !"

NietzscheDagi yessusem wergaz abuhali, yessakked wid i s-d-yesmuzguten: nutni daγen susmen, ṭṭalayen-d γur-s, sexcen. Ar deqqal iḍegger taftilt-is ar lqaεa, teṛṛez d iceqfan, tensa. "Awah, usiγ-d zik ar γur-wen !", yenna-yas daγen, «Mačči d tagi i d tallit deg yessefk a d-aseγ.»

Taluft-agi yessewhamen ar tura attan tetteddu, γezzifet tikli-s –ur d-tewwiḍ ara imeẓẓaγ n medden. Lberq d rrεed ḥwağen akud, tafat n yitran teḥwağ akud, timuggiwin ḥwağent akud, γas ad ilint gan-tent yakan medden, maca i wakken ad slen wiyaḍ yes-sent, yessefk aṭas wakud. Taluft-agi n ubuhali nettat mazal teggug, tebεed, akken ggugen yitran deg igenni –„

Qqaren-d, abuhali-nni ass-nni yakan yekcem ar waṭas n leğwameε, yenna-yasen-d daγen tineqqist-nni i d-yenna akken i yemdanen deg wegni n ssuq. Imi i ifukk dγa a sen-yini: «dacu-ten leğwameε-agi tura, ma yella mačči d iẓekwan neγ d inagan n tmettant n Ṛebbi ?“

Tasuqelt n "Friedrich Nietzsche -  Der tolle Mensch" sγur winna

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