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ilatTameddit n wass, tal tikkelt m’ara ad uγalen igerdan seg wγerbaz, tteddun ad uraren deg wurti n ilat. D urti icebḥen imelḥen, imγan izegzawen leqqayen. Ijeğğigen di yal tama cban itran deg igenni, beddent ṭnac n txuxtin yeğğuğugen  deg tefsut,  ttcebiḥent ugar seg ayen ttarwent di ḥertadem. Igḍaḍ cennun deg isekla, sufγen laεqel i igerdan i isebdaden urar-nsen akken kan a sen-slen. I yessefraḥ wemkan-a i myennan.

Y iwen wass yuγal-ed ilat. Iruḥ ad yerzu γef wmeddakkel-is, waγzen n yifri, yeqqim ar γures sebεa iseggasen. Mi zrin sebεa iseggasen, yessuffeγ-ed ayen yellan di tεebbuṭ-is . Yekfa akk imeslayen-is acku yettcuḥḥu-yasen i lehḍur. Yernu yebγa ad yuγal ar tiγremt-ines . Mi d-yiwweḍ iwala igerdan tturaren di tebḥirt-is .
 ‘Acu tesserwatem dagi ?’  I isuγ fella-sen s taγect zuren isergagayen, dγa rewlen awk igerdan-nni.
  ‘Tabḥirt-iw d tabḥirt-iw‘ i  yenna ilat, ‘medden akk ẓran, fehmen-t , ur yezmir yiwen ad yurar deg-s anagar nek’ . Yessuli aγrab annect , yura fell-as :

 Rṣiγ amesmar di lluḥ,
 win ara ikecmen ad yeglu s rruḥ !

 D bu-iḥedmer, iḥemmel iman-is kan .


Igerdan tura messakit ulanda zemren ad uraren . Σerḍen deg webrid maca yeččur d idγaγen d uγebbar, ur ten yaεjib ara . Uγen tanumi deg umerrreḥ, ttezzin ger iγerban m ara fakken aγerbaz. Ad meslayen γef tebḥirt ifulkin i llan s-daxel.
 ‘Acḥal i nezha dinna’ i d-nnan igerdan.
 Tekka-d tefsut, teğğuğeg akk ddunit, ttγenin yegḍaḍ, ma yella deg tebḥirt n yilat mazal d tagrest . Igḍaḍ ur claεn ara ad cnun deg-s imi ulac igerdan, ma d isekla ttun ad gmun. Yiwet n tikkelt tessuffeγ-ed tajeğğigt ixf-is seg imγan twala ayen yuran γef weγrab, yenγa-tt uneγni γef igerdan dγa tuγal ansi i d-tekka . ḥala adfel d wegris i iferḥen.  Ttsuγun qqaren-as: ’ tafsut tettu tibḥirt-a’ . Ad neqqim da aseggas akk. Adfel idel imγan d leḥcic s ubernus-is amellal, ma d agris yesbur isekla s weẓref (lfeṭṭa) .
 Syen snubgen acelyaḍ i wakken ad yeqqim yid-sen, yussa-d . Yeddel s ilemsiren , la s-yesherwil kra yekka wass γef tebḥirt, yesseγḍel ijeqduren d ukanun .
  ‘Amekkan-a acekkit, isefk ad d-naεreḍ abruri’.
 Iḥeḍr-ed webruri, yal ass yekka-t tlata tsaεtin di ssqef n iγrem armi yerreẓ qrib akk iqermyad, syen yuzzel di tebḥirt s wayen yezmer. Yelsa iceṭṭiḍen am iγiγden, nnefs-is d agris.
 ‘Ur fhimeγ d acu i isεaṭlen tafsut’  i yenna ilat amcum, ibedd γer ṭṭaq yettani deg tebḥirt-is tamellalt, ‘sarameγ ad tbeddel tegnawt’.
 Maca tafsut werğin tussa-d , anebdu kifkif. ḥertadem yewwi-d yid-s lfakya icedhayen i yal tibḥirt, anagar tin n ilat. Aṭas i iḥemmel iman-is ! i d-yenna . Ihi teqqim tegrest dinna, acelyaḍ, abruri, agris d wedfel ceṭṭḥen ger isekla.

 Yiwet tṣebḥit, ilat yella yeẓẓel deg wussu mi yesla i uzawan aḥlawan. Iγil d iḍebbalen n ugellid i iεeddan seg akken yeḥlaw uzawan-nni. Netta ziγen d aεeẓẓi amectuḥ kan i yetṣeffiren, maca, imi aṭas aya ur yesli i wegḍiḍ icennu deg tebḥirt-is, iban-as-d dγa ulac azawan i yifen wa.
 Deg wallaγ-is abruri yeḥbes tiyita, acelyaḍ yegzem awal, tekka-d rriḥa taẓiḍant seg cqayeq.
  ‘Tagi d tafsut war ccek’ i yenna ilat, ijelb-ed seg wussu-s ad immuqel ar beṛṛa. D acu iwala? Iwala tugna dayen yessewhamen. Seg yiwen uceqqiq deg weγrab ansi i d-εeddan igerdan, uγalen qqimen γef tseḍwa n isekla. Di yal aseklu tafeḍ agrud. Isekla seg wakken ferḥen gman, ğğuğgen, dγa atnan sburen igerdan s leḥmala akk d iğeğğigen. Igḍaḍ ttferfiren ttṣeffiren s zzux, ijeğğigen zdin-d i lqed-nsen ger yemγan ttaḍsan. D ayen yessefraḥen ulawen. Teggra-d ala yiwet n  teγmert mazal tessa deg-s  tegrest, ibedd deg-s yiwen weqcic amectuḥ. Yeεreḍ ad yali γef useklu i yellan tama-s maca, imi netta d awezlan dγa ur yezmir ara  yali , yeqqim yettru ittezzi din din. Aseklu-nni ameγbun mazal iγum-it wegris d wedfel , acelyaḍ yettsuḍu deg-s .
 ‘Aha ali-d a yaqcic amectuḥ !’ , i d-yenna useklu, yunez tiseḍwa-ines ayen imu yezmer akken a d-yali wegrud maca yekεec  aṭas. Ul n ilat yefsi mi t-iwala. ‘Acḥal i ḥerneγ ziγ akka ! Tura ẓriγ ayγer ur d-tusi tefsut γer da. Ad refdeγ aqcic γef useklu , syen ad rẓeγ iγerban i s-d-yenḍen i tebḥirt , ad tuγal am zik d annar  i igerdan ad uraren deg-s ar lebda. Yendem s tidet ayen awk i iga zik.

Ihi yekker ilat, yuli d asawen  yeldi tawwurt n berra s ttawil, yeffeγ γer tebḥirt. Maca akken kan i t-id-walan igerdan, teṭṭef-iten tugdi, rewlen akken ma llan, dγa din din tuγal-ed tegrest. Ala agrud-nni amectuḥ i yeqqimen ur yerwil acku allen-is yeččuren d imeṭṭi ur walan-t ara ilat mi d-yusa. Ilat yuker aḍar deffir-s, irefd-it s laεqel isers-it s ufella ṭṭejra. Din din teğğuğeg , ussan-d yegḍaḍ cennun sufella-s . Agrud yeẓẓel  iγalen-is iger-iten  af temgarḍt n ilat , isuden-it. Igerdan-nni niḍen mi walan akken ilat, uγalen-d s tazzla, yid-sen tedda-d tefsut.

Tabḥirt-nnwen tura , a tarwa’  i  sen-yenna ilat . Yerfed afḍis inebh-as-d i weγrab isederm-it. Lawan n tsewwiqt εeddan imdanen uffan ilat yetturar d igerdan deg tebḥirt  tucbiḥt tumliḥt. Kra yekka wass din, igerdan tturaren di tebḥirt , tameddit send ad ruḥen, εeddan-d  a s-beqqin sslam. ‘Maca, anida yedda umeddakkel-nni nwen amectuḥ ?’  i ten-yesteqsa , ‘agrud i ddmeγ sersaγ-t γef useklu’. Ilat iḥemmel-it nnig wiyaḍ acku d netta i t-isudnen. ‘Ur neẓri ara’, i s-d-rran. ‘ahat iruḥ ar wexxam-nnsen’. ‘Ini-t-as ad yuγal azekka yid-wen’, i  d-yenna ilat. Maca igerdan-nni ur ẓrin ara anida yezdeγ, werğin ẓran-t uqbel, dγa yenneγna ilat. Tameddit n wass , yal m’ ara d-fγen seg uγerbaz, igerdan ttruḥun ar tebḥirt n ilat tturaren. Maca agrud-nni amectuḥ i iḥemmel ilat werğin yuγal-ed. Ilat γas iḥemmel igerdan nniḍen maca ijma ameddakel-is amezwaru, dima yettmeslay fell-as. ‘Acḥal i bγiγ a t ẓreγ’, i yeqqar.
 Zrin wussan d iseggasen , ilat yuγal d amγar, yewser . Yiwweḍ  ur izmir ad yurar d warrac. Yeṭṭef tasga, yettferriğ igerdan mi tturaren, yettnezzih deg tebḥirt-is.
 γur-i ijeğğigen icebḥen si myal ṣṣenf ‘, i d-yenna; ‘maca d igerdan i icebḥen ddunit i d ijeğğigen-iw nek’.

Tasebḥit n yiwen wass  n tegrest, immuqel seg ṭṭaq mi ittlussu iceṭṭiḍen-is. Ur yekrih ara tagrest tura imi yeẓra d akken  tagrest d tafsut m’ara teṭṭes, ijeğğigen sgunfun imiren .
Ciṭ kan almi yeqmec allen-is, yeqqim yettmmuqul am win iwehmen. Iwala ayen isewhamen . Seg teγmert n tebḥirt, tbedd-ed yiwet ṭṭejra yegman s lwerd amellal. Tiseḍwa-s akk d ureγ , ma d lfakya-ines d aẓref. Ddaw useklu ibedd wegrud-nni i tuγ  iḥemmel acḥal iseggasen-aya.

 Yuzzel ilat s tumert , yekcem ar tebḥirt , yedda ar tama n wegrud. Mi yiwweḍ ar zdat-s, yuγal wudem-is d azeggaγ seg wurfan mi iwala tidikal ufus n ugrud jerḥent, tettbaned fella-sent limaṛa n imesmaren, tella daγen limaṛa deg iḍaren-is, yenna-yas s wuẓẓafen: ‘anwa ik ijerḥen?’
 ’Ini-yid anwa i k-ijerḥen, a t-gezzreγ‘.
 ‘Ala ! wa d agas n tasa’ i s-yenna wegrud.
 ‘Wi ik llan?’  i  yenna ilat, dγa yekna ar γur-s.

Yecmumeḥ-ed wegrud  yenna-yas: ‘ teğğiḍ-iyi ad urareγ yiwen wass deg tebḥirt-ik,  ass-a d kečč ad yeddun yid-i γer tebḥirt-iw, γer lğennet.

 Mi d-kecmen assen-nni igerdan γer tebḥirt akken ad uraren,  ufan ilat ddaw useklu yeẓẓel d asemmaḍ, yeddel s ijeğğigen imellalen.

The Selfish Giant (ilat iḥemmlen iman-is ) d tamacahut-tullizt yura  Oscar Wilde , tasuqilt seg teglizit ar teqbaylit  Amor REKIS .                    

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