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Taγaṭ n Si Sliman sγur Moḥand Ait Iγil


Tasuqelt ifazen n ‘’la chèvre de monsieur Seguin’’ seg wedlis ‘’Lettres de mon moulin ‘’ n Alphonse Daudet igatt Muḥend Ait Iγil yettwasnen aṭas s wedlis ines aneggaru Tchekov s teqbaylit d idlisen niḍen am Atlanta , Allen n tayri , Tazelmaṭ texser talemmast ur terbiḥ ara, Axedaa d ğuher ……………………
wid it yeqqaren ttrağun amaynut s lḥir.

Taγaṭ n Si Sliman sγur Moḥand Ait Iγil

Si Sliman, yekseb taγaṭ, ur yeğği ur s-yexdim d lxir. Maca, ger teγremt i s-d-iga deg udaynin, d tlelli ara d-temlil deg teẓgi gar wuccanen, textar abrid wis-sin.

Akka ara teqqimeḍ, a Gaya, werğin ad tbeddleḍ!
Amek! Ad rzun γur-k a wihin n temdint, ad k-d-sutren γer uxeddim yugar wa txeddmeḍ da, kečč, ad tagiḍ… Wali iman-ik, amek telliḍ. Lqec d aqdim, sebbaḍ qersen, iγessan wudem-ik qrib ad d-neqren taglimt.
Qeddem akkin, qbel axeddim-a amaynut, ay uzlig! Zwi γef yiri-k izan. Ad tettuḍ llaẓ, netta ad k-yettu.
Tugiḍ ? Ur tqebbleḍ ? Anda telliḍ akka i tḥulfaḍ s tlelli ?
Sel ad k-d-mleγ tamacahutt n taγaṭ n Si Sliman.
Werğin yiwen wass, yefreḥ s tγeṭṭen-is. Tesxeḍ-asent lmut. Ad sγersent iciddi, ad jbunt γer umadaγ, din ad atent-id-imager wuccen ad tent-yečč. Akka, tal tikkelt, ur tent-yeclia kra, la lḥenna n Si Sliman, la tugdi deg wuccanen, ma nnant-id kan, ad rzunt γer umadaγ. Si Sliman yenna : « Ad twalem d tiγeṭṭen n lexla, ḥemlent aṭas tilelli. »
Maca γas akken uccanen ččan-as setta n tγeṭṭen, yugi ad yebru i yiγallen. Yehwa γer ssuq yuγ-d tayeḍ; acu kan, tikkelt-a, yextar-d taγaṭ d tilemẓit, akken ad taγ tanumi d wefrag.
Aah! A Gaya, ay tecbeḥ taγaṭ n Si Sliman! Ay melḥent, tačamart-is, tifenza-ines, acciwen-is ijerḍen, tamulli n tḥedduft-is ghef tgerbuzt am ubalṭun tettiriq! Tecbeḥ am taγaṭ-nni n Gandhi.
Deffir wexxam, Si Sliman izerreb-d i yiwen ubeṭṭeḥḍaḥ, yerra-t d tabḥirt, iteẓẓu deg-s izegza. Din i yeqqen taγaṭ. Yextar-as amḍiq anda ur tettxussu deg wayra, ula d amrar isaγzef-it. Tikkwal yesfiqid-as-d. Am taγaṭ am Si Sliman, ferḥen i sin yid-sen.
« Lḥemd-ik a Rrebbi, mi ufiγ taγaṭ yestaḥlan tiγimit γur-i! »
ziγen mačči akken i yenwa i teḍra. Ula d taγaṭ-a terfa.
Tesakked γer wedrar, tenna :
« A win yejban γer dihin, ad yaweḍ armi d tama tanğit! Ad yeddu ad yuγal, ad iniggez γef wexlenğ. Ah! Limer mačči d tamaqqant-a, i yi-ixenqen!… Tlaq i weγyul d wezger izemren ad ksen deg yiwen wemḍiq!… Wama tiγeṭṭen ḥemlent iger ahrawan.
Seg yimar, taγaṭ n Si Sliman m-tḥedduft tamellalt, tettwala aḥcic yellan deg tebḥirt sellaw, ur bnin ara. Din din yerkeb-itt unezgum, tugi učči; anagar iγessan ttbğnen-d deg-s, ayefki inγes. Win i tt-yeẓran, yal ass, tettemaatnay d tmaqqant, ad s-tγiḍ. Ma d nettat asekkud-is werğin yeqcer-d seg wedrar. Ad tesṭibbia akken teḥzen.
Si Sliman, yefhem kra kan yuγ taγaṭ-is, maca a win yeẓran d acu-t… Yiwen wass, γer tafrara, mi yekfa tuẓẓga, tebren-d γur-s taγaṭ, ula d nettat teẓra Si Sliman ur yefhim acu tt-yuγen. Temmeslay-as-d :
« Sel-iyi-d a Si Sliman, ilaq ad tawiḍ lexbar, ayen tebγuḍ txedmeḍ-it-id, amḍiq-a ur staḥlayeγ deg-s. nekk, amḍiq-iw dihin deg wedrar i yella.
- Ah, a tawaγit!… Ula d ta terfiḍ!… » I isuγ Si Sliman. Ibat, yebra i ufenğal gar yifassen-is, iserreḥ i yiman-is γef weḥcic yeqqim zdat taγaṭ :
« - Amek akka, a Qerquca, tebγiḍ ad truḥeḍ ad yi-teğğeḍ ?
Terra-yas-d awal :
- Ih, a Si Sliman.
- D aḥcic i kem-ixussen, da ?
- Ala, a Si Sliman.
- Wezzil wemrar, tebγiḍ ad t-siγezfeγ acemma ?
- Ur ttceqqi iman-is, a Si Sliman.
- Ihi, acu ilaqen, acu tebγiḍ ?
- Bγiγ ad ruḥeγ γer wedrar, a Si Sliman.
- A Qerquc, deg wedrar yella wuccen, ma ifaq iman-im i telliḍ, ad d-ineggez fell-am ad kem-yečč!… Acu ara txedmeḍ ma iwala-kem-d ?
- Ad t-cekkḍeγ, a Si Sliman.
- Ur tt-teserwaleḍ ara s wacciwen-im. Yečča-yi tiγeṭṭen ikesben acciwen ugarent agla-m… Merquca, taγaṭ yellan γur-i ilindi, tezmer i yiman-is tettaweḍ lmal nniḍen, tecba aḥuli. Iḍ yemmed nettat tettnaγ d wuccen, armi d tafrara n wass, yečča-tt.
- Merquca tameγbunt!… Ulac fell-as, a SI sLiman, eğğ-iyi kan ad rzuγ γer wedrar.
- A tawaγit, acu akka i sent-xedmeγ n diri i tγeṭṭen-a ? Tayi daγen ad yi-tt-yečč wuccen… Ur qebbleγ… γas kem, tqebleḍ, nekk ad kem-d-selkeγ! Tura ad kem-nehreγ γer udaynin, ad medleγ fell-am tawwurt. Akken ma tesnebraḍ-d iman-im seg tmaqqant, ulac anda ara terreḍ. »
Si Sliman, izuγer taγaṭ γer udaynin isulles, iger-itt, yeffeγ-d, yemdel tawwurt deffir-s. taswiat kan immekta-d yettu ṭṭaq yeldi. Mi d-yuγal yufa lḥal taγaṭ tneggez, terwel…
Tettaḍsaḍ a Gaya ? Ayen yeḍran terniḍ tufiḍ abrid ad teḍseḍ! Ula d kečč, teddiḍ d tama n tγeṭṭen teğğiḍ Si sliman ? Mi d-kemleγ taqsiṭ ad nwali ma ad tafeḍ amek ara teḍseḍ.
Mi telḥeq taγaṭ m-tḥedduft tamellalt γer wedrar, temlal d teẓgi tezha. Tḥulfa s yiman-is tuγal d tagellidt. Isekla n uqezṭel knan-d armi qrib ad nnalen lqaa akken ad sselfen s wafriwen-nnsen, azezzu i d-iberrun i rriḥa, yezṭa abrid i d-tuγ. Adrar d tirni yesker tameγra.
Ad twalem twalaḍ, a Gaya, amek tefreḥ taγaṭ m-tḥedduft tamellalt! Ulac amrar, ulac iggig… Ulac ayen ara tt-id-isḥebsen, neγ ara s-yagin aneggez, tawaksa melmi i s-yehwa. Da, ay ameddakel, aḥcic yegma armi tt-iγum!… Yerna bnin, aṭas n ssnufat i yellan… Ixulef win n tebḥirt. Ula d ijeğigen, da, ggten!…
Taγaṭ m-tḥedduft tamellalt, temlelli s lferḥ, tettegliliz γef weḥcic, tettegririb γef yicuqan… Taswiaat kan, tezdi-d lqed-is γef nnuba, aqerruy yezwar zdaxel umadaγ, tebda tikli, i tt-yewwin i tt-yerran gar yizerdax d tqintucin, tikkwal tettbaddid γef sin yiḍarren, attan zelmeḍ attan yeffus… Ad tenwuḍ aṭas tγeṭṭen n Si Sliman i yellan da deg wedrar.Taγaṭ m-tḥedduft tamellalt n Si Sliman, ur tugad kra.
Tettneggiz γef waman n yiγeẓran i tt-isebzagen. Akken tettengay, ad taẓ γer timri ad tesred fell-as, ad teskiw iman-is γer yiṭij… Yiwen wass, γef yixef wedrar, taγaṭ m-tḥedduft tamellalt twala-d γer tama tamaddayt axxam n Si Sliman. Teḍsa γef wussan yezrin fell-as din armi s-d-hwan imeṭṭawen.
« Amek i meẓẓi wexxam n Si Sliman! I tenna i yiman-is; amek i sebreγ qqimeγ din. »
Ass-a, d tikkelt tamezwarut i tḥulfa s yiman-is meqqret.
Taγaṭ m-tḥedduft tamellalt n Si Sliman, tekka ass yemmed nettat tefreḥ. γer tlemmast wass, twala yiwet terkeft yizerzar [1] kessen deg uzaγar. Tehwa γur-s. Anagar i tt-walan izerzar s tḥedduft d tamellalt ferḥen yess. Gan-as-d amḍiq gar-asen, ttmeslayen yid-s d tirni, s wawal ẓid. Akken sliγ - γur-k ad tt-temleḍ i yiwen a Gaya – teḥmel yiwen izerzer. Din din rewlen γer umadaγ, uraren armi aayan, uγalen-d.
Taswiaat kan ihubb-d waḍu d asemmaḍ. Adrar ibeddel tirmi [2]; d tameddit…
« Yekfa wass ? » I d-tenna taγaṭ, tbat.
Deg yidis amadday, tagut tedla igran. Tabḥirt n Si Sliman teγba deg tmulli, ula d axxam-is yettbin-d anagar uqermud s ansa i d-iteffeγ wabbu n tmes yessaγen zdaxel wexxam. γer lembaaid yettlaḥaq-itt-id ssut uninay iaalqen γer wemgerḍ n lmal i d-inehher umeksa s axxam, din din ires-d fell-as lweḥc, teḥzen… Tezγeb mi tt-id-innul yiwen yigider s yifer-is… Taswiaat kan tessal i usuγu :
« Uuuh! Uuuh! »
Din din temmekta-d uccen. Ass yemmed nettat d turart tettu-t armi d tura i d-yekcem γer lbal-is… Yettlaḥaq-d ssut n ujawwaq seg wexxam n Si Sliman, yessawal-as-d wissen ahat ad tt-d-yuγal wul ad tuγal.
« Huuh! Huuu!…, i d-yettsuγu wuccen
- Uγal-d! Uγal-d!… » i s-d-icennu ujawwaq.
Taγaṭ m-tḥedduft tamellalt tebγa ad tuγal; maca mi twala tamaqqant iggig axerciw d usefreg n tebḥirt, ad tendem. Mi tjerreb turart d tlelli yezgan deg wedrar dayen.

Si sliman yeḥbes asiwel s ujawwaq, yegzem layas, inejbar s axxam…
Taγaṭ m-tḥedduft tamellalt testewḥec acemma, tesmeḥsis i wesxerwec wafriwen deffir-s. tebren ad tesikked d acu-t. twala γer yiwen wemḍiq isules snat wallen ttiriqent-d d snat tmejjatin beddent… D uccen.
Uccen, anect ugejdur yeqqim γef yiḍarren-is ineggura, isikkid deg taγaṭ-a i s-d-yusan fiḥel laatab, yebda isibnin-itt s wallen. Ur yuyis ara, yeẓra ulac amḥaddi i taγaṭ.
« Ha! Ha! Taγaṭ n Si Sliman m-tḥedduft tamellalt. » Ileḥḥes tanzarin-is.
Taγaṭ tḥulfa s wakal irewwel ddaw yiḍarren-is… Temmekta-d tadyant yeḍran d Merquca, i s-yemla Si Sliman, iḍ yemmed tekka-t s umennuγ, akken azeka-nni ad tettwičč. Tenna acuγer ara d-mttečaweγ ma yella taggara d yiwet-is. Maca, d lmut i tt-yettrağun, ulac tarwiḥt iqeblen lmut s talwit. Temended γef yiman-is, teserxa aqerruy-is akken ad temager uccen s wacciwen… Ur teḍmiaa ad tneγ uccen - ladγa werğin kra wass taγaṭ tenγa uccen – maca ilaq ad tḥami γef yiman-is.
Uccen iqeddem-d γur-s.
A win i k-yeḥkan a Gaya! Taγaṭ tameγbunt! Texdem ayen i wumi ur tezmir! Acḥal tikkwal i teserwal uccen. Mi yeḥbes umennuγ, taγaṭ n Si Sliman m-tḥedduft tamellalt, ad teknu ad tkes… Iḍ yemmed nettat d amttečew… Taswiaat ad terfed aqerruy-is γer yigenni ad tessirem :
« Awi-d kan ad ṭṭfeγ alamma d azekka… »
Itran deg yigenni, ttγiben yiwen yiwen. Tarwiḥt d tezmert uγalent-d taγaṭ n Si Sliman m-tḥedduft tamellalt, mi teẓra qrib ad yali wass, nettat tekkat s wacciwen, uccen yettarra-yas-d s wuglan… γer lembaapd yebda yettali-d yiṭij… Yettlaḥaq-d γer teẓgi ssut n tuddna uyaziḍ n Si Sliman.
« Lḥemdulleh! » tenna taγaṭ, tewweḍ lmerγub-is, tedder armi d-yuli wass, wama teẓra lmut tettrağu-d deg-s.
Tellez mi teṭṭef armi d azekka-nni, tedder ass d tilellit, texdem ayen i s-yehwan. Tesred γef weḥcic, taḥedduft-nni-ines tamellalt tbeddel tirmi, tuγal d tazeggaγt s yidammen.
Uccen yemmeγ fell-as, yečča-tt.

Asabter yellan deffir wa | Asabter n zdat

Ulac win i d-yennan kra γef umagrad-a. Ilik(kem) d-amdan amenzu ara d-yinin kra fell-as.

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