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Brahim Zellal : Mḥend Uccen


Brahim Zellal : Mḥend Uccen

(Le Roman de Chacal)
Adlis s teqbaylit d tsuqelt s tefransist yura Brahim Zellal

sγuṛ Amor REKIS

Uxeldun yennad d akken : « Imaziγen ḥekkun aṭas tmucuha limer ad asen yeqqim yiwen aten yaru ad yeččar geddac n yedlisen ».
Yiwen dγa seg yimaziγen yeqqim asen i kra yessufγed adlis s teqbaylit yessedda-yas tasuqelt s tefransist .Mḥend Uccen neγ ‘’Le Roman de Chacal ’’ amek is isemma, d adlis n tmucuha i-d yelqeḍ netta d mmi-s seg 1920 ar 1942 di tmiwa n At Σisi , Tizi Hibel, At Yanni d Iwaḍiyen.

Adlis-a n 188 isebtar yebḍa γef 4 yeḥricen , tamacahutt n wuccen d yizem (amezwaru d uneggaru )inisi d wuccen , d tmacahutt n wuccen d wegdi (aydi) .
Tules-as asezreg massa Tasaεdit Yasin deg 1999 terna-as tazwart γef umyaru d tmeddurt-is.Tewwid daγen awal γef imyura iqbayliyen s umata i-d yuran s teqbaylit di lweqt-nni γas γran deg uγerbaz afransiw neγ s taεrabt .

Brahim Zellal iluled deg taddart nat εabdelkrim deg Iwaḍiyen, isem-is yettbeyyin laṣel-ines d azellal .iseγra taεrabt deg temdint n Blida seg 1928 d asawen. Γures alisans n taεrabt d udiplom n tmaziγt id yewwi di Lezzayer tamanaγt.

Tzemrem ad tafem adlis-a ar tizrigin L’Harmattan
ISBN : 2-7384-8573-1
13,75 €

Tukkist :

Lmux ubareγ

Uccen iḥili yettkel yerna lxeddam irkwel kkes abareγ, mmi-s n εammes. Abareγ yuki d wuccen d lexraẓa-s, yebna f yiman-is.Lamaεna, ayen yebγa Rebbi ad yeḍru: urant.

Yibbwas, yuḍen yizem aṭṭan afessas: yewt-it ubeḥri. Yečča timellalin di ticcert; armi ur d-yefki ara Rebbi tabburt, yesnejmaε-d lxeddam irkwel, icawer-iten.Mkul yiwen d aḥeckul d-yerna.
Yenna-as ubareγ:
-ttcekkiren idammen n-wuccen: qqaren d ddwa ameqwran.
Yexẓer yizem si Mḥemmed…ffγen ddawas.

-Idjaweb-ed wuccen: D sseḥ a lmir n lewḥuc lameεna ma xelṭen di lmux ubareγ.

Iwwet yizem abareγ, iγḍel-ed lmux-is, yemmut.Yejreḥ wuccen iman-is ljerḥ ameẓyan, yesqudder-ed kra iddamen, xedmen ddwa I lmir n lewḥuc. Yenna-yas yizem:
-Ddem a Ben-Yeεqub, att -tneṭleḍ .

Yebbwi wuccen abareγ armi t-targa, yecc-it: yenṭel kan tagwlimt d yeγsan. Yefreḥ deg-wul-is: Tura, ur yelli wugur wala aεekker.

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